Friday, September 21, 2012


You only live once
I guess you better live it up
Wouldn’t want to miss out
Only one shot at life
Better make it a good one
Drink, dance, hook up
Isn’t that how to live?
Only one shot at life
Why remember it?

Friday, September 7, 2012

Being a Visitor

Unfamiliar faces fill

A maze made of hallways
I just want to find the sanctuary
Can you point me in the right direction?
You find a place and sit down
People fill in all around you
Excuse me is this seat taken?
Are you waiting for someone… oh…ok?
The greeting time comes
Hands outstretched to say a friendly hello
Yet no one cares to know your name
Feeling alone yet being surrounded by people
No one would if you weren’t there
The pastor uses stories and scripture
To make his point across
Typical American church
A closing song to leave you feeling in the mood
Then people mingle throughout the crowd
You make your way back through the maze
Wondering if you will ever find your car
Thinking… will it be better next week? 
Who would have thought going to church could be so scary