Monday, February 18, 2013

First time for everything

So over the weekend I was checking my trail cameras and I made a bad decision.  I knew the ground was soft, but I had a 4-wheel drive pick-up.... so I could do anything right?  Wrong. 

 I ended up getting the assistant refuge managers truck stuck.  With my luck, I was the only one on the refuge.  After making quite a few phone calls (including one to my dad) a refuge maintenance man came to my rescue.  He came and picked me up at the closest road which was over a half mile away.
 The truck is still where I got it stuck.  The maintenance man says that he will pull it out sometime this week. 
 I tried to dig it out and put sticks behind the wheels, but I had no luck. 

I have learned my lesson and will not be going off the main roads until it has dried up ALOT. 

As an unspoken rule of the refuge system... I will be bring doughnuts for the whole refuge staff the next time I am there.  

Oh the life of a wildlife biologist in training......

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