Monday, July 26, 2010

More than Tourists

My sister found this on someones facebook and sent it to me. I liked it, I hope you do to.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010 at 9:34pm
Two Americans went camping. While waiting for their food to cook one evening, one turned to the other and asked, "What's the Kingdom of Heaven like?" The other replied,

"The Kingdom of Heaven is like the National Parks and Forests. Some people hear about them, believe they are beautiful places, but never search for them. Others hear about them, look at pictures on the web, point them out in the distance, but never make time to visit. Still others go to the parks, take pictures, show them to their friends, buy souvenirs, wear them for a time, and return when its convenient. Then there are those who sell everything, move into the parks and actively maintain them."

The one who had asked the question blinked in surprise and then asked, "What does that mean?" The other replied, "It means we need to be more than tourists."

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