Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Silly thoughts

So, over the weekend I spend some time in a tree stand and when I am in a tree stand I have to sit still and be quiet and when I do that I have lots of time to think.

Sometimes I like to try to connect things and this is my latest one.

Dating can be connected to two of my favorite past times-fishing and hunting.

Fishing in the sense that people can go out and "catch" someone. They also can throw someone back if they aren't "good" enough in hopes that the next one will be better. It can be serious but it's usually pretty easy going.

Now hunting is more intense. You have to know what you want before hand and you have to wait patiently. It's more of a commitment to go hunting than fishing. You can always get another tag, but you hope that you only need one. In hunting what you do really counts and sometimes you only get one shot. Yes you can settle for less and get something smaller, but if you wait, someday that "big buck" will come and you can get him. : )

and this is how my silly mind works when I have spent too much time in a tree stand. : )


  1. As weird as this is, haha, I think it's a fantabulous metaphor! :) for real. :)

  2. Anna...I love your brain (:
