Dear Friend, 4/3/2009
You have so many questions without answers
So many fears that have never been addressed
So much hurt that you have been hiding
That is catching up with you now
You know you have problems
And your fine with the sin you are living in
You don’t want to change
And you don’t understand why people want you to
I hurt when you hurt
I believe that you can change
I have faith that you can do something with your life
I just want you to try
Why do Christians judge?
Why does she feel like she needs to hide?
How can we change the direction we have been going in?
Who will answer her questions?
Where is God in all of this?
He sees her sin
He sees her doubt
He sent His son to die for her
Will she accept Jesus
Will she believe that there is hope for her
Can she get out of the lifestyle she is in
Will she begin a new life?
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