Friday, January 6, 2012

The American Dream

A life filled with comfort
Everything you could ever need
And then some
High school diploma
A college degree
Working a nine to five job
Above minimum wage pay
A nice big house
Complete with a white fence
A picture perfect family
With 1.86 kids and a dog
Pew warmers, religious on paper
But actions and words show differently
The American dream
This is my future
To pursue, or not to pursue

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Reflection from 2011

Top 3 favorite classes
Science and Christianity
Major Issues of Philosophy
Instrumental Analysis

Top 3 favorites
Being in Lori and Mike Masons wedding
Working at Rydell/Glacial Ridge NWR
Spending time with family and friends

Accomplishments for the year
Finishing my junior year at Greenville College (after being sick)
Getting accepted into the US Fish and Wildlife Service SCEP program
Taking the GRE and applying to grad school

Looking forward to in 2012
Working at Mingo NWR
Catherine and Jeremy’s wedding
Hopefully getting accepted into grad school
Graduating from Greenville College