I am reading these books to pass on to people in my life who have been hurt by this particular topic.
Nocole Braddock Bromley the author of the books Breathe and Hush came to Greenville College in December. She talked in chapel and also did a girls talk. She was an excellent speaker. She got down on our level and shared her story and her struggle.
As I listened to her speak I was overwhelmed by the amount of people that stay silent about how they have been sexually abused. I then thought about the people in my life that have been hurt and how they feel like they need to be silent.
I am now reading the book "Hush: moving from silence to healing after childhood sexual abuse."
The other one I have is "Breathe: finding freedom to thrive in relationships after sexual abuse."
If you read this post and are interested in reading either of the books let me know and I will be glad to let you read them. If you would like to talk about the contents of the book I would love to talk to you.